I got the phone calls for the doctors out of the way today. My job has a great prenatal care program which I was anxious to take advantage of. Basically I just have to check in with a nurse once a month to let her know how I'm doing. In return, they provide me with the book What to Expect When Expecting (which should prove useful, as I have no clue what to expect), a $600 out-of-pocket maximum for all prenatal/birth expenses, and even a $50 savings bond to get Baby Brock's savings started! I was nervous that the program wouldn't cover a midwife, but the lady helping me found a few with whom I'd be covered. I would have died if I had to go into a hospital and have them stick an IV in my hand. Do you think they refuse service if you refuse an IV?
So, my other call was to set up an appointment with the midwife. I was partially annoyed that my first prenatal appointment isn't until February 18th as I want a blood test pronto just to verify the validity of the "pee on the stick" tests. One good thing to come of the call was finding out that I can continue taking my Flinstones vitamins! I merely have to up my dosage to two Flinstones per day, and I'm good to go!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Still in denial...
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7:15 PM