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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I arrived home yesterday to find that a package for Curtis had arrived! After hearing an intstrumental, soothing rendition of Metallica's Sandman (and who would've thought such a thing existed?!) while shopping in a baby store awhile back, we decided that we must own a few of the CDs in the Rockabye Baby! collection. There were a few staples that we felt Curtis must own:

How great is it that we can fall asleep to music that we'll all enjoy?? Now the only problem is, playing it! Anyone have one of those ancient devices known as a discman laying around??

Friday, June 26, 2009

Last night I played some songs from the album 'Clarity' by Jimmy Eat World. You were rocking out like crazy! I have a feeling that you will have great taste in music :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

I had ice cream for breakfast today. It's not a usual occurance, but my stomach told me to indulge, so I obliged. I ate the Banana Split flavor, so to be fair, I got both a serving of dairy and fruit. At least that's what I tell myself to feel better. Besides, Curtis' loves ice cream, so I'm sure he'll be happy once it reaches his little tummy.

Monday, June 8, 2009

I think you might have problems getting your daddy to share your new wagon. Hopefully you can both fit, but I doubt that I can pull you!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Besides the normal joys of being pregnant (feeling a connection to my child, etc etc), I am most going to miss my ability to let my stomach stick out after eating too much without feeling self-conscious about it. What better excuse is there to look fat than being pregnant? I'm pretty sure the answer is none.

Friday, May 22, 2009

I had my annual work health screening today. My job offers them in hopes of catching any potential health issues that could cause problems and cost them money for insurance payments. My results last year were great - I got a 97%, which was far above the rest of the people on my team. This year wasn't so fun. I marked yes on the "Are you pregnant" question, and after being weighed I even mentioned it just in case she didn't catch it on paper. She calculated my BMI anyway (very unscientifically by only height and weight) and then marked me as obese. OBESE! The last thing an otherwise healthy pregnant woman wants to hear is that she's obese. I still want to punch her in the face. That is all.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I've finally gotten the time to post the first pictures of Baby Curtis! We got these taken back in April, but I just haven't had the chance to get them online. Sorry you had to wait so long to see him, Grandma & Grandpa!

And no, we don't know "his" sex, we just call it a he as it's temporary name is Curtis. However, the nurse who did the ultrasound did give us an envelope with the sex sealed up inside. I'm very proud of us for not peeking!

Without further ado, I give you Curtis:

#1. Best profile shot

#2. Curtis blowing bubbles

#3 Crossed legs

#4. Creepy face picture that just looks like a Halloween skull.

5. His Superwoman pose. Chris and the nurse came up with that - I'm apparently too young for the reference.